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  1. hammert2580

    hammert2580 Amateur

    May 20, 2015
    anyone got any good deer stand sex stories ???
  2. traumajunkie71

    traumajunkie71 Porno Junky

    Oct 20, 2015
    Sorry deer wont stand still long enough
    • Winner Winner x 2
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    1. Hard78
      Oh man, nasty...
      Hard78, Nov 30, 2015
      hammert2580 likes this.
  3. coraline

    coraline The Witchy Woman

    Jun 13, 2014
    I can see you typed words but I have no idea of their meaning
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    1. obe
      I think it is a thing called a hide so you can hunt deer
      obe, Nov 28, 2015
    2. coraline
      Ohhhh I see
      coraline, Nov 28, 2015
      obe likes this.
    3. traumajunkie71
      It can be either in a tree, on the ground or up in the air. All are surrounded by camo to hind behind
      traumajunkie71, Nov 29, 2015
    4. coraline
      I prefer out in the open not hidden away
      coraline, Nov 29, 2015
      countryfun likes this.
  4. IAcouple

    IAcouple Porno Junky

    Jul 2, 2014
    Mmmm that's one place we've never done it! Thanks for the idea!!!!!
  5. Sweetpassion

    Sweetpassion Pink gum drops.

    Feb 9, 2013
    I've had sex in a deer stand once and in the woods. Not much hunting gets done when a guy brings a lady along. Lol
    • Like Like x 2
    1. Jack Mine
      Especially when he doesn't bring a gun. And it's not a gun in his pocket ;)
      Jack Mine, Dec 27, 2019
      Sweetpassion likes this.
    2. Sweetpassion
      Well that is not even pretending he is trying to hunt!! ;) Oh he is hunting alright....just not any 4 legged deer. Lol
      Sweetpassion, Dec 27, 2019
  6. Myblueeyes1978

    Myblueeyes1978 Amateur

    Jul 1, 2015
    Done that
  7. pussy in boots

    pussy in boots ride em cowgirl up

    May 30, 2010
    They just want to get you out there to fuck you.
    • Like Like x 2
  8. amethyst10

    amethyst10 Porn Star In XNXX Heaven

    Sep 24, 2015
    my husband and i used to hunt together. very good memories. some of my favorite outfits are camo. he took his hunting pretty seriously but i took my seduction pretty seriously. i "scored" more often than he did. i never heard any complaints though.
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  9. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Essentially I have four modes of Deer hunting (part of from a LONG write-up that I'll just grab a couple of bits from).

    A. Very late bow season and I prefer snow on the ground (or better yet coming down also) wherein I wear my furs (a special hunting outfit of mine) and I typically use my recurve. During that time I never have any sex during, though after a hunt I tend to get a lot in that folks love the smell of the fur and leather.
    B. Mid-Season Rut. By that time it is so cold I must be dressed and I typically hunt out of elevated stands using a compound bow. However, there is no sex and after I'm usually tired in that it makes for long days.
    C. Early season stalks/still hunting. When I still hunt I typically use my longbow, and for as much of it as possible I hunt nude. During that time I'll on occasion take Tanya with me, and it would be very uncommon for me to "not" use her to cum. IOW, we'll hunt some and if it bears fruit, then no sex. If it's a slow day, well then she's going to get mauled in the woods.
    D. Early season lance hunts. These I do alone and only when warm enough that I can do them nude....and is these types that I'll elaborate on.

    Early season when it is still warm out (not my favorite time to hunt yet my favorite way to hunt), will find me not drinking or eating meat for at least a couple weeks prior. On the mornings I hunt I'll rise very early, bathe thoroughly with a deodorant soap, then I'll use a salt crystal deodorant all over myself, and finally I'll cover myself in a cover scent you can't find anymore (which actually smells great) smelling like apples, wood, loamy soil...Essentially the woods.

    At that point I loop a few leather thongs around my neck, tie my knife to my thigh, put on my fingerless leather gloves and take up my bag with apples in it, and my lance then head out into the woods. Past the gloves, thongs and knife I'm buck nekkid, hence early season as once it gets into the high 50's then I need to start dressing more and more.

    Just the walk out there tends to turn me on. Naturally I'm excited about the hunt, I also sometimes will get excited at the thought of what might happen after the hunt, or may stop it (sexual things that I'll not elaborate on), yet even the walk itself can be very sexually stimulating.

    Waist high grass covered in cool dew dragging over my legs, abdomen and cunnie. Then there is the soft ground that I walk on, in the dark feeling my way with my feet (and I do have that foot thing), and on mornings where I'm hunting later due to the time I'll get to feel the cool damp air give way to warm sunshine washing over me all over.

    Then comes the "dirt pit." I have a special path I take when hunting nude that runs me through a low area and there I find a very rich and loamy smelling black soil (sometimes when wet mud even). In a nutshell in that it is turned up regularly, I'll get down in it and grind around, then take it up with my hands and rub it into my skin and hair from head to toe and it ends up pretty much streaking me in the black soil.

    At that point I then take out the apples which are just on the edge of rotten or just becoming. Those I literally grind into that same soil with my feet crushing the apples and grinding the juices and pulp into my soles. That always turns me on feeling the rotten pulp squish up between my toes, yet it has a point. One year not having a cover scent for my boots I tried that, and believe it or not I had two Doe's follow the scent right up to me....So it works for masking my trail.

    Once done, I now need to stalk silently to whatever blind I decided to use that day. A big chunk of that being cautious not to cross trails I expect the deer will use, be ever mindful of the wind, and there I am naked creeping about just trying to get to a single place deep in the woods. I also have to be careful of what I cross over. Already worked up, one hunt I had to straddle a moss covered log to just get to the other side. Well, that moss was SO soft, cool and damp from dew...Well lets just say I lingered a while and rubbed one out on it, and that time I came so hard I yelled out so it may have hurt that days hunt. Anymore, that log I try to save for non-hunting times.

    If all is well, then I'll head on to my intended pit blind. These blinds I make a good 6 months to some a year in advance (told you, hunting, planning and patience). All they are is a depression I make in the ground right next to where I "know" my intended prey will walk. Roughly 2-3' deep, and big enough for me to lay in they have a camo burlap left over them supported by sticks for the entire time to lose all their human scent and gain that of the woods plus get covered by leaves and let the deer get used to it.

    It's now about an hour before hunting time and fortunately I see very well in the dark so carefully I'll slip into my blind on my belly, get the lance set in place and simply let the woods relax and wake up. Oddly, even on cool mornings it feels warm in there which is nice as most days I'll be a bit chilled my nips able to cut glass at that point.......and ever so slowly you see the world come alive. Silence gives way to animals and birds slowly waking, things beginning to move and finally that morning twilight breaks signaling the start of hunting time.

    Now to help this post be a little on topic for the forum I'll tell you yes, quite a few times I can't help myself and have spent my time with my breasts, belly and thighs grinding into the black soil and slipped my hands under me and stupidly knocked out a pretty good orgasm. I say stupid in that after all that work to get as scent free as possible, it's my guess that pussy juice and whatever sweat gets made doesn't help....Yet screw it, if you were out there with me you'd be trying to fuck me (or so I would hope) so what the hell. It just feels right, and it's one of the few times I really feel super horny no doubt just the excitement of the potential day to come.

    Anywho, just before time I'll get set. The lance gets extended out of the blind maybe 1-1 1/2', I'll position my body to aid in lunging much like a sprinter and ever so gradually re-dig my holes in the ground with my toes to have a good solid bit of earth to launch myself from. The lance is resting though the rope is set right where my right hand will naturally fall, and dependent upon when I think the deer will come through determines if I relax or not.

    If I expect him first light, I'll get set and remain that way my left hand far forward on the shaft my right gripping the rope and it pulled taunt. If I however expect him say 3 hours later I'll relax and enjoy the show and yes, it's difficult keeping myself from wanting to knock another orgasm out. In either case, I remain unmoving though I can't be seen, only my eyes will move glaring out of the blind.

    Now as I said I plan this out well, yet things happen. Might be weather, might be some doe he's chasing elsewhere, might be he's in a fight, or who knows what yet out of maybe 10-20 days a year hunting like this I'll get only one chance (as I now take the first). Might be the first day, might be the last to even not at all. Yet on average I'd guess figuring up all the years I suspect for 5-10 days hunting like this I get a deer. Trouble is if I hunt a blind today I'll not hunt it again for 3 days. So that means I must move to another and adjust my schedules (as remember I'm hunting a specific deer so must set up time wise based on when he'll be there).

    Anywho.....If all goes well here's what happens.

    I'll hear him first and know a deer walks softer then a chipmunk. At that point I dig in and set. My eyes start scanning in the direction of the sound, and let me tell you 2 minutes can feel like 30. The second I see him/her I know instantly from where they are at if I'll get a chance as they'll always follow rather specific paths. Then I'm forced to endure the "walk 3 steps, stop, look around, smell, listen, wait....walk 3 steps, stop, look around, smell, listen, wait....etc." they do as they constantly check their surroundings.

    My heart will start pounding so hard I swear he has to be able to hear it. Instantly I can't breathe and it takes all I can muster to not start panting or hyperventilating. We're not talking seconds, this takes minutes and on more then one occasion the stress of it has made me lay the lance down and give up hunting with it for the rest of the year as at that point I want out of the blind freaking out and spook the deer.

    However, when I keep calm, slowly in he'll come. My heart pounds harder, instantly I start sweating and begin to pray the wind won't shift (in fact, to do this requires a very steady wind toward me, as if calm he'd smell me). As he gets close I'll stop breathing unintentionally, and at this point my heart is in my throat and I make it a point to look NO WHERE on that deer except his ribs at his elbow.

    Eventually he'll come close...Sometimes he'll be oblivious, yet I've had them come up and even sniff the tip of the lance it by now quivering as I'm shaking all over, yet I'll hold my ground and not move, waiting, waiting, and then he'll step forward. I have to wait, wait until he steps that front leg forward to expose his ribs there as that is a perfect spot for heart and lungs. At the most I may have to raise the tip up 6" or left or right about the same. Yet once he gets beside me it is only then at the last second I'll do so, and at that moment the deer is perhaps 3-5' from me.

    When he takes that step I'll note if he is stopping or moving on. If he's stopping (can tell by how vertical the leg is being placed) I have to wait to make sure he turns his head away as they're MUCH faster then me and can literally jump away as I strike. If he's moving on out of my ideal zone I have to strike if I think it will be a good hit, if not, just let him go.

    My toes set deep in the soil, my body coiled back and tensed, I'll suddenly lunge forward pushing off with my feet my legs, back and right arm all used to drive the lance out. My left elbow will rake over the ground as I lunge always scraping it, and as my legs and back straighten my right hand is yanked up fast till it hits my boob hard. Literally I am lunging my entire body towards him. The blind will explode from the motion as I push through sticks, leaves and the burlap suddenly bursting open. Yet at that point it is too late.

    I'm so close at the most the spear tip is 18" from my mark, at the least I've actually had to pull back a little as he was brushing against it. So by the time the blind starts to move the blade is already through his ribs and into his heart and lungs. The rest simply insurance as I drive, and at the very last I'll push off to behind him hoping to break the shaft (though have driven the spear tip clean through before).

    He'll be moving in an instant.....yet NEVER have I ever wounded a deer the blow always fatal. What's VERY different from bow hunting is I'll often shoot a deer with an arrow and they might jump or flinch from the noise, yet unless the arrow strikes a large bone passing through (as I ALWAYS get lung and very often heart) often they'll just look around and some will even go back to eating the acorns they're picking up not even realizing they're hit. In a couple seconds they'll begin to weave then stumble, most run, some stay yet in either case they're passing out PAINLESSLY.

    With a lance however it's never a silent affair. Always the deer will jump and without exaggeration it can be 6' up let alone more to the side. I'll not even of hit the ground before he's making a mad dash to one of his escape routes, and before I hit the ground I must instantly go silent and watch and listen to him run. There is no remaining still like with a bow, I'll scramble up, watch, wait and listen. Most of the time I'll hear him fall, and all that comes after. It is only then I get a few moments to calm my nerves and try and breathe once again.

    .....I'll spare you the rest, suffice to say sometimes my hunt will be disturbed as others seek out sex with me. Whenever I'm successful I get a little attitude, and coupled with being covered in blood from dressing out the deer I can make for a pretty horrific site......However, once I come down, I always end up having rather rough sex in some form.

    The whole thing from start to finish is exciting to me, how could I ever go without sex either during or after?

    Hush....an alias
  10. Rothko

    Rothko Porn Star

    Jul 20, 2011
    WTF is a Deer Stand ?
  11. Rothko

    Rothko Porn Star

    Jul 20, 2011
    Oh OK I read some more of the replies.. HAd sex outside plenty of times but no never in one of those
  12. noboat

    noboat Porn Star

    Aug 12, 2009
    Good luck

  13. bigtitslover19

    bigtitslover19 Sex Machine

    Aug 11, 2013
    I'd do it if I went hunting lol
  14. LadyLashes

    LadyLashes Amateur

    Nov 10, 2015
    I haven't yet but I want to, I am always freezing in my stand. Maybe hubby & I will sit in the double next year.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. John227

    John227 Porn Star

    Sep 14, 2014
    I decided to look this up because I have NEVER heard of a deer stand. It turns out that in my neck of the woods, it is known as a hunting blind. So, there are different terms and many different types and style of blinds/stands/hides for whatever type of hunting you want to do.
  16. John227

    John227 Porn Star

    Sep 14, 2014
    I decided to look this up because I have NEVER heard of a deer stand. It turns out that in my neck of the woods it is known as a hunting blind. So, there are different terms and many different types and style of blinds/stands/hides for whatever type of hunting you want to do.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Bron Zeage

    Bron Zeage I am a river to my people

    Dec 3, 2014
    I can't imagine a worse place. A duck blind would be much better, but probably just as cold.
  18. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    Since when was shooting out of a stand "hunting" ?

    Here stands/blinds are used for shooting birds ,
    but no-one would dare call it "duck hunting" .

    Deer and pigs etc. are hunted , but I have never known any who use stands to shoot them.
    Certainly if any do (as a few well may) they would not dare call it hunting :)
    • Winner Winner x 1
  19. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Yes well, a single person "tree-stand" would be simply dangerous, yet stands can be anything from ground blinds to even simply just finding some good cover on the ground. As to the cold, it's not really an issue. It is either warm enough to disrobe, or you just expose those bits you're using....That last reminding me of one time out hunting.

    A couple of our friends who attend our parties (so fluid safe) asked if I'd like to go out Grouse hunting on a stretch of public land with them a couple years ago. It was a rather cold morning, so contrary to how I might typically dress (in a skirt and light top) found me instead wearing head to toe camouflage hunting clothes including boots, pants, jacket, hat and an orange vest to top it all off.

    After a full morning, we came upon a downed tree and they started joking about how it was the perfect height for a "Deliverance" movie with all the pig squealing and purdy-mouth comments, so I figured what the hell, I could use a little. So I kneeled down, pulled my pants to just past my rump, and laid over the log butt up in the air and said "sooooieee" as a joke yet knowing where it would lead.

    Well at first they were double teaming me, and after Dan came in my cunnie Chris who I was blowing decided he wanted to finish off there, so as they switched out Dan zipping up I noticed off in the distance a couple other hunters till I lost track with Chris pounding me.....Once Chris was done and stood to zip up, all of a sudden we heard it.

    "Fucking faggots! Why don't you take your gay shit elsewhere!" and other associated slurs as they stormed off......
    So I guess 'clothes do make the man'.

    Hush....an alias
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  20. Bron Zeage

    Bron Zeage I am a river to my people

    Dec 3, 2014
    In southern forests, no one stalks a deer or a pig. If you don't sit in a stand and wait for a deer to step into view, you aren't going to see one. Except for fire lanes and pipelines, there isn't much open ground where you can sneak up on them. Pigs are usually hunted with dogs, which is a different thing altogether.
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