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  1. imported__2355

    imported__2355 Ungodly Intelligent And Attractive

    Oct 24, 2005
    Its not cheating if your answer is "None of your fucking business."

    If your response is "Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more!" it is just disturbing.

    Or a Monty Python skit.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. belva

    belva Sex Machine

    Nov 7, 2017
    i never winked or nudged, i said HE did- "he was saying it sexually from his facial wink and voice things" :cry:
    but i did say "no" in the wrong place :cry:
  3. VenusInFurze

    VenusInFurze Online Odalisque

    Oct 30, 2012
    How could that possibly be cheating?
    1. Hussie6776
      It's one of life's conundrums darling. We'll never know.
      Hussie6776, Feb 2, 2018
  4. belva

    belva Sex Machine

    Nov 7, 2017
    well i felt guilty for saying "no" when he said "are you sure", so i thought it might of been cheating and was scared to tell my GF about it in case she leaves me because of it.
  5. VenusInFurze

    VenusInFurze Online Odalisque

    Oct 30, 2012
    Having sex with someone else is cheating.

    If he asked "Will you have sex with me" and you said "yes," then you'd have a problem.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. belva

    belva Sex Machine

    Nov 7, 2017
    oh yeah i see what you mean, interesting, then i will definitely tell my GF what happened seeing as its not cheating now :couchpotato:
  7. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
    I better stop answering questions on this forum then?
    • Like Like x 3
  8. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    Every couple has their boundaries of what is acceptable and what isn't.
    We know couples who have multiple sex partners and we know couples who won't have lunch in a very public restaurant with a member of the opposite sex unless their partner is with them.
    So for us, cheating is doing something outside of the boundaries you and your partner have established for your relationship.
    If you've never formally established those boundaries, ask yourself this. Would your partner feel hurt by your action? Would they feel betrayed? Would you be in trouble?
    If the answer to any of those is "yes" then it's cheating.
    If you don't think it's cheating, go ahead and tell your partner what you did.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. seafoam1
      You are making to much sense for this quality of thread
      seafoam1, Feb 2, 2018
    2. speakeasy
      Sorry, I'll try to do worse in the future :cool:
      speakeasy, Feb 2, 2018
      Jonme likes this.
  9. belva

    belva Sex Machine

    Nov 7, 2017
    i'm not sure what our boundaries are yet and i've never told her what i'm about to tell her, but she has been angry at me at 10pinbowling when i was sitting with my knees were up when a man was with us :barefoot:
    1. speakeasy
      Sounds like your relationship is on shaky ground.
      You both need to sit down and talk to each other.
      speakeasy, Feb 2, 2018
    2. belva
      in one hour i think yep
      belva, Feb 2, 2018
  10. amethyst10

    amethyst10 Porn Star In XNXX Heaven

    Sep 24, 2015
    I think it kind of depends on the question, the gender of the person asking, his/her motive for asking and the amount of detail you put into the answer. I guess if you are just answering a question, then it's not really cheating but it could still be hurtful. If a guy asked me a question about my sex life, I think I would just tell him that I'm not comfortable answering such a question, or I'd tell him to go on XNXX and ask the people who know.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. belva
      thanks i will try that next time (not comfortable answering), i usually just answer everybody or accidentally answer without thinking maybe from nerves:*
      belva, Feb 5, 2018
  11. Sweetpassion

    Sweetpassion Pink gum drops.

    Feb 9, 2013
    I think you tlk in circles.....basically trying to convince yourself you do not want to tlk to guys or want to have sex with guys. You clearly do!!!! Tell your gf that. Look i am just too curious about cock. So we either have to break up so i can have cock. Or you have to let me try cock out. But i just need cock!!!
    • Like Like x 3
    1. Jack Mine
      Honestly, @Sweetpassion you not only encouraged ??? but you also gave me the courage to be open and honest to finally tell this ??? that I'm dying to see ??? prick?
      Jack Mine, Feb 5, 2018
      Sweetpassion likes this.
  12. Yeyinde

    Yeyinde Newcumer

    Feb 1, 2018
    No, but your significant other might not be pleased, and rightly so.
  13. cumdumper

    cumdumper Porn Star

    Aug 24, 2008
    It' only cheating if they ask you while you are having sex with them at the same time
  14. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    And any lover who would blame the recipient of engaging in a sexual discussion, 1, has no clue what sex is, and 2, does not deserve to be in a relationship with that person.
  15. noboat

    noboat Porn Star

    Aug 12, 2009
    I was talking to your mother, just the other night,
    I told her I thought you were an asshole, she said "yes, I think you're right
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Milo Cronos

    Milo Cronos The Sexual Intellectual

    Aug 29, 2011
    The answer to "am I cheating" is always the same albeit somewhat subjective, "Ask your girlfriend, wife, husband, boyfriend, etc?" I know from talking to my wife that online sexual romances or play means nothing and that of the very few platonic female relationships I've had she's fine with it and would know if I was cheating. Because I would tell her I was considering it in hopes she would step up and render it unnecessary!
  17. Jonme

    Jonme Porn Star

    Mar 24, 2017
    Of course its not cheating, friends can discuss sexual things without it being a prelude to sex ...... although a few times it can admittedly lead to it.
    The time to get worried is when a guy winks at you with other than his face :)
    • Like Like x 1
    1. belva
      a winking throbber :joyful:
      belva, Feb 5, 2018
  18. belva

    belva Sex Machine

    Nov 7, 2017
    thanks i said that to my GF yesterday but she said my interest in men's bodies is in my head "unless you really think you can overcome your physical phobia but so far you've had trouble letting your massage therapist below your neck".
    but i definitely am more interested in men's bodies than anything else for sure :happy:

    its ok i told my GF and she said it was ok for me to be excited in my mind because she knows i'd never be sexual with a man :laugh:
  19. stacilv

    stacilv Porn Star Banned!

    Sep 2, 2016
    talking is not cheating...
  20. belva

    belva Sex Machine

    Nov 7, 2017
    i guess so, i guess i'm just guilted even when its not cheating, but i will probably be less guilted in the future i hope :cautious:
    • Like Like x 1