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  1. lor280465

    lor280465 Porn Star

    Jan 4, 2007
  2. King Nothing

    King Nothing Porn Star

    Jul 26, 2006
    Was it a Mexican? That's their job.

    I hope all you pro-border enforcement people understand the costs of "closing the border" is a lot of dead children.
  3. dogmeat2010

    dogmeat2010 Sex Lover

    Apr 2, 2010
    Dead child shouldnt of been throwing large rocks,havent you learned yet,you dont take a rock to a gun fight/Master Chief
  4. billblondel344

    billblondel344 Porn Star

    Apr 29, 2007

    should have shot more of the bastards,,,,,:):)
  5. ElCasanova

    ElCasanova Porn Star

    Jul 27, 2006
    I heard about this, and thought this was irresponsible of the Border Patrol Agent. The Border Patrol Agent should have protected himself, and used non lethal ways to make the boys stop throwing rocks at him. Maybe a warning shot or two.

    But this is a tragedy which is showing that the climate is escalating at an alarming rate along the border.
  6. footlovva

    footlovva Juggler of Jiggles

    Jul 30, 2009
    Why didn't he move out of the way?
    No, but seriously, we should just boycott Arizona, they started this mess.
  7. ElCasanova

    ElCasanova Porn Star

    Jul 27, 2006
  8. King Nothing

    King Nothing Porn Star

    Jul 26, 2006
    Fuck that, bro! I'm with Arizona now. There's too many Mexicans. Did you see that ESPN has bumped EVERYTHING in favor of fucking soccer? Fuck 'em. Shoot even fucking Mexican that comes near the border. Just get this fucking soccer off my TV!

    I want two walls, one with automated machine gun turrets with motion sensors. Shoot everything that moves within the no-man's-zone!
  9. footlovva

    footlovva Juggler of Jiggles

    Jul 30, 2009
  10. ElCasanova

    ElCasanova Porn Star

    Jul 27, 2006
    It may hardly change anything. But it would make the Border Patrol Agent responsible for his actions, be it right or wrong.
  11. bladeway

    bladeway Porn Star

    May 15, 2006

    ...And if they run low on ammo, I'll load up my truck and drive some down to the border. Hell, I can even pull a trailor full of beer!
  12. King Nothing

    King Nothing Porn Star

    Jul 26, 2006
    I'm with ya! Yee-haa lil doggy!!!

    <---- Honorary Minuteman! :cool:
  13. tim929

    tim929 Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2009
    Um...something that I think alot of people have forgotten is that a nation...any nation...weather its Mexico or the United States or Zambia or whatever...is a sovereign nation with sovereign borders. Crossing said border without proper authorization from the prospective host country is a crime in every nation in the world including the United States.And any act of agression accross that border is not required to be handled with kid gloves.And most countries DONT handle it with kid gloves.Go sneak into Mexico some time and find out what sort of an ass reaming the nice sweet innocent Mexican govenrment has in store for you. The cost of illeagal immigration in this country has gotten out of hand.With several friends in law enforcement, two in Phoenix, they can tell you the huge problems that the state of Arizona has been having with illeagals and drug trafficers for the last two decades and the problem has been escalating at an alarming rate. fifteen years ago it was a relatively minor pain in the ass.Now the problem has got my best friends grandparents moving out of Phoenix to live in the Seattle area because the formerly nice neighborhood they live in has almost nightly shootings involving Mexican gangs.

    And lets not forget that in this very same incident mexican troops ran U.S. federal agents investigating the shooting off by pointing guns at them.One was held at gunpoint.


    Any other nation in the fucking world would have had a military response to an incident like that.PERIOD! What do you suppose the Mexican government response would be to U.S. troops pointing guns at them? They would be crying racisim and demanding justice.Fuck them!

    The mexican government started printing pamphlets in the 1994 detailing the best way to cross the border illeagaly.How to do it safely and how to get away with it and what to do in the event they were caught.WTF? when confronted on the issue the spokesman for the Mexican department of foreighn affairs said it was only a precaution to protect those who were determined to go accross illeagaly, not an endoresement of the practice. While finding the information on more credible websites is dificult (the story is old and at the time nobody cared) this link provides a translation of the booklet with illistrations so you can see the Mexican governments take on the whole thing.The second two links are actualy considered credible news outlets...




    Even the Mexican govenrment ultimatly endorses illeagal immigration. I have no more time in my life for people who speak from both sides of thier mouths and who openly extend thier middle fingers accross the border while at the same time expectine me to respect them. Fuck Mexico. Carpet bomb the little fuckers back into the holes they crawled out of! Thier blatant disrespect of our customs and laws is unacceptable and its not just the illeagals doing it, its thier president and thier government.And they know that all the limp wristed pantywaste liberal whiners still suckling at thier mothers tits will cry foul the second anybody tries to stop these "wonderful people" from invading my country illeagaly. I for one dont mind paying more for produce in the grocery store. I buy local organics anyway...harvested by actual Americans oddly enough.Not a bunch of migrant workers.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2010
  14. footlovva

    footlovva Juggler of Jiggles

    Jul 30, 2009
    Do you have the balls to go out there and kill them yourself, or are you all talk?
    I bet on talk.
  15. Foeofthelance

    Foeofthelance Porn Star

    Oct 22, 2008
    Wait, what? The guy and his partner showed up to bust some people who were crossing the border illegally. They're in the middle of doing their job, when they start getting attacked with rocks. So he fires back. Explain to me what he did wrong?

    Seriously, what the hell? Yes, the Mexican border is a fucked up mix of refugees and war zones between the drug cartels. Yes, the US needs to seriously rework its border policy to actually handle the problem rather than just sit on its ass and sing la la la with its finger in its ears instead. That's not the issue here, though. "Don't throw rocks" is a simple rule that we can get kindergartners to follow. "Don't throw rocks at people doing their job" is not a difficult extension of that, and something one should assume naturally. "Don't throw rocks at people who are doing their job but are in another country and have guns" then should go without saying. The guy was attacked and defended himself. Just because he was better armed does not invalidate his right to self defense.
  16. tim929

    tim929 Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2009
    Bet again. I just dont talk about certain experiences in foreign counties, but suffice it to say that I have first hand experiance at what douchebags the nice folks at Bilgewater (Blackwater)are. Now I am working for a maritime security company helping to provide security for ships transiting the gulf a Aden.If we could only get the international community to shut the fuck up and let us do our jobs.

    As for the security issue on the border...when foreign troops point weapons accross a border at law enforcement they are in the commision of a hostile act that most countries regard as an act of war. And since my boss has trained Mexican troops in the past I can say with confidence they wouldnt stand a chance.The only reason they do it is because they already know that Americans are a bunch of pussies that wont do anything about it.Hell...we wont even file a formal protest that has any harsh language in it.
  17. philfogg

    philfogg Sex Lover

    Mar 25, 2010
    us border

    i just got the answer for you , use the illegals to dig a big ditch from the gulf of mexico to the west cost , while we are at it make it big enough , long enough , wide enough , deep enough , and fill it with water , and call it the north american water way , make it all dockland and u.s. navel bases all the way along it , so the u.s and its friends dont have to use the pan-am canel any more big enough to turn a carrier around with out touching the sides , have the coast guard and the navy patrol it .....
  18. billblondel344

    billblondel344 Porn Star

    Apr 29, 2007

    hell they want to ship the beaners to montana ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;)
  19. dogmeat2010

    dogmeat2010 Sex Lover

    Apr 2, 2010
    What are you talking about,/:confused::confused::confused::confused: Master Chief
  20. tommyturtle

    tommyturtle Having an Out of Shell Experience

    Apr 5, 2008
    Robert frost is credited with the phrase, "Good fences make good neighbors." This has worked everywhere it is tried. It's about time we finish the fence as a start to making Mexico a good neighbor.