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  1. wetstiffpole

    wetstiffpole Professor of Clitography and Titgasms

    May 25, 2019
    I’m hoping this will be fun…..
    1. Aqua Marine
      Aqua Marine, Jun 13, 2023
      Dirtycajun76 likes this.
    2. Valspar
      Wherever he lives because apparently he's from 'Fucktown'.
      Valspar, Jun 13, 2023
      PartTime Girlfriend likes this.
    3. Aqua Marine
      Aqua Marine, Jun 15, 2023
      KinkyGuy1999 likes this.
  2. Aqua Marine

    Aqua Marine Sugar & Spice

    Jun 22, 2021
    Wisconsin, because I'm here. Duh!
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    2. Valspar
      It is a beautiful state.
      Us flatlanders like to go up there and trash it for the weekend then go home. Lol.
      Valspar, Jun 13, 2023
      camp lajune and mstrman like this.
    3. Aqua Marine
      Yes, we know. That's why we call you Locusts. :D
      Aqua Marine, Jun 13, 2023
    4. Valspar
      A buddy and I almost got in a fight and got thrown out a bar because we were from Illinois.
      Should've known we were in trouble when someone had written FLATLANDERS SUCK with a Sharpie above the urinal in the bathroom. :eek:
      Valspar, Jun 13, 2023
      dinny and mstrman like this.
    5. Aqua Marine
      In Wisconsin? Lemme guess, you were in The Dells?
      Aqua Marine, Jun 13, 2023
      mstrman likes this.
    6. Valspar
      I don't remember where we were.
      Ha ha haaaaa!
      Valspar, Jun 13, 2023
  3. WantSumCandyLittleGirl

    WantSumCandyLittleGirl Candyman

    Apr 25, 2010
    Every state has its reasons to be best, except for California. Nothing good about that state.

    Personally, I prefer states with mountains, though I live in Florida. Florida would be at the top of my list (it was at one time) but for the political bullshit flying down here.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. Aqua Marine
      There are good parts of California. I hated it when I first moved there (the Mojave) but decided I could be miserable or find the beauty in it. Totally changed my outlook at I ended up staying for 10 years.

      As an educator, Florida's political bullshit makes me nervous.
      Aqua Marine, Jun 13, 2023
    2. Boobsie
      What "political bullshit" are you referring to?
      Boobsie, Jun 13, 2023
      paulavettbrothers and Ficxa 479 like this.
    3. SoutheastUSofA
      Actually, California is a beautiful state. The Pacific Coast Highway is probably the prettiest drive you could take on the west coast. Absolutely stunning. California, like New York, gets a bad rap from the major metropolitan areas.
      SoutheastUSofA, Jun 13, 2023
    4. WantSumCandyLittleGirl
      My opinion about Cali has nothing to do with the natural beauty. Let’s just leave it at that. Safer.
  4. Dearelliot

    Dearelliot Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    If I could pick the state where I was born and had my family there, it would be Arizona.
    Plenty of open lands, beautiful country, and decent weather, at least nicer than Jersey.
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  5. Valspar

    Valspar porn surfer

    Feb 3, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 5
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    2. Valspar
      I do? Lol
      Valspar, Jun 13, 2023
    3. SoutheastUSofA
      I have a magnet from there and posted a picture. And YOU (as sissy as it seems), circled it!!
      SoutheastUSofA, Jun 13, 2023
      submissively speaking likes this.
    4. Valspar
      Oh yeah.
      Why the sissy comment?
      You mad about something, buddy?
      Valspar, Jun 13, 2023
    5. SoutheastUSofA
      Sissy comment ='s funnnnnnny.

      All in good fun, man!
      SoutheastUSofA, Jun 13, 2023
      paulavettbrothers likes this.
    6. FirmHose
      Spent a week in that area, It is a beautiful place , but way to flat for my likes
      FirmHose, Dec 31, 2023
  6. SoutheastUSofA

    SoutheastUSofA Adorably adorable

    May 20, 2019
    This will shock many people, but New York is a BEAUTIFUL state. Only a very, very small part of it is urban. The vast majority of it is rural farmland and mountains. The Adirondacks are some of the prettiest mountains I've seen. Once you get up to the area around Lake Placid, it's stunning. New York gets a bad rap because of NYC.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  7. SoutheastUSofA

    SoutheastUSofA Adorably adorable

    May 20, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 2
    1. Boobsie
      It would be more fun if people would refrain from discussing politics!
      Boobsie, Jun 13, 2023
      Mature Sexer likes this.
    2. Valspar
      Lol. Discussing...
      It was one sentence. Sheesh.
      Valspar, Jun 13, 2023
      LilKink likes this.
    3. paulavettbrothers
      Politics is a reason that can make a place more or less inhabitable.
      paulavettbrothers, Oct 17, 2023
      LilKink likes this.
  8. Boobsie

    Boobsie Porn Star

    Nov 3, 2015
    Let's try to just keep it fun, OK?
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Aqua Marine
      @Boobsie - you're the one who keeps bringing it up.
      Aqua Marine, Jun 14, 2023
      submissively speaking likes this.
    3. Boobsie
      Kiss my fucking ass!
      Boobsie, Jun 15, 2023
    4. Aqua Marine
      You seem fun.
      Aqua Marine, Jun 15, 2023
    5. Boobsie
      It's scary that you are an "educator"!
      Boobsie, Jun 17, 2023
    6. Aqua Marine
      It's scary that you exist.
      Aqua Marine, Jun 18, 2023
  9. Mature Sexer

    Mature Sexer Lustful Gentleman

    Jul 6, 2022
    I have lived in New York my whole life and like it here. It really is a beautiful place with many state parks, forests and interesting places to visit. The four seasons are nice with autumn being beautiful. And if the mood strikes, large cities are close by.
    • Like Like x 4
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    1. wetstiffpole
      This is exactly the sort of positive comments we’re after.
      wetstiffpole, Jun 13, 2023
      Aqua Marine and Mature Sexer like this.
  10. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    California has excellent weather and beautiful beaches. It has one of the most exciting cities in the world: San Francisco.

    I would say California is the best if you can afford to live there. The reason California, and especially San Francisco, is expensive is because a lot of high IQ people with fancy college degrees and high incomes choose to live there.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. Barry D
      REALLY, you don't know about, or choose not to know or care about, the open drug market, zombies walking around shitting in the streets and on sidewalks, not mention the tent lined streets with all the homeless people currently running most if not all of the businesses out of San Fran???? I could sure use an Oz of whatever it is you're smoking....
      Barry D, Jun 14, 2023
  11. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Used to be Oregon.
    Love Arizona (its a dry heat my ass)
    But Colorado is home and we won't be leaving.
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    1. odi144
      Dry heat, I hate that phrase. If it's over 80 it's hot. Was in las Vegas and people would say dry heat. BS it's fucking hot!
      odi144, Jun 18, 2023
    2. shootersa
      Yeah, you don't call it anything but EEEAAYYAYYYYHHHHH!! When you get in a car that's been in the sun in Arizona during the summer.
      Putting on a seat belt while wearing shorts can get you what's called an "Arizona brand".
      Leaving your sunglasses on the dash and trying to put them on gives whole new meaning to "racoon eyes".
      Go ahead. Leave your lip balm or a book in the car. The heat will melt the glue right out of the binding, and as for the lip balm, can you say "liquid"?
      shootersa, Jun 18, 2023
      paulavettbrothers likes this.
    3. paulavettbrothers
      I’ll never forget our vacation there in the Phoenix area, the one day I forgot to cool the car down before we headed out and I immediately started sweating from every pore, including the top of my head. Didn’t feel right all day, it was 113.
      paulavettbrothers, Oct 17, 2023
  12. latecomer91364

    latecomer91364 Easily Distracte

    Aug 3, 2017
    The best state? It all depends on the criteria. I was born, raised and have lived in California my entire life, and have seen natural beauty beyond compare here. I have also seen Leftist politicians enact policies that have turned it into the social shithole it is today.

    BUT: does that make Big Sur, Yosemite, King's Canyon, or the Sequoia National parks (among others) any less majestic?

    Yes - Gavin Newsom's divertion of funds for forest management to ridiculous leftist programs have undoubtedly led to the destruction of many of our once treasured places of pastoral beauty into ash and broken dreams (Oh... but that's all about Climate Change, right? - Fucking BULLSHIT!).

    It's still a beautiful state, but citizens and businesses are fleeing in droves to escape the oppressive government and its dictates that have ruined almost everything good about our incredibly beautiful state.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  13. dogmomma2

    dogmomma2 Porno Junky

    Jun 26, 2022
    I don't know, but it's not Missouri! Lol I'd have to say Florida or Georgia because of the beaches...maybe Colorado because of its natural beauty.
    • Like Like x 2
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    1. SemperEdurus
      When I was in CO. it was a little hard to breathe if you get way up high! But that's just me! FL. is nice also
      SemperEdurus, Jun 14, 2023
      dogmomma2 likes this.
    2. dogmomma2
      Yea I didn't like that part at all, but it was beautiful. I won't deny that.
      dogmomma2, Jun 14, 2023
      SemperEdurus likes this.
    3. shootersa
      They say it's hard to breathe in Colorado cause God doesn't want the blowhards to stay here.
      shootersa, Jun 14, 2023
      dinny likes this.
    4. tenguy
      :cool::cool::cool:And yet…..there you are!
      tenguy, Jul 5, 2023
      submissively speaking likes this.
    5. shootersa
      shootersa, Jul 5, 2023
      dinny likes this.
  14. Aqua Marine

    Aqua Marine Sugar & Spice

    Jun 22, 2021
    I'm sorry, Distant Lover, but this is not correct at all. Most of California is just like any other place. The big cities and coastal towns attract people with high incomes, yes. But Average Joe in an average town, which is most of California, isn't like that at all.
    • Like Like x 2
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  15. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    We see here a perfect example of despicable blindness. They see what they saw when they first arrived, and do not see the smear they have left behind. California is expensive because the government has gone socialist and like it has elsewhere, it has failed.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  16. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018
    I've traveled a lot, and every state I've gone to has it's own things that make it great. The East Coast states have so much history and cool places to see, not to mention the gorgeous foliage. Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah have those hot springs to enjoy, and scuba diving in a lake up in the Rocky Mountains! The west coast states have those great beaches and ocean views. No way I would want to have to pick just one place.
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    1. paulavettbrothers
      When you visit Ohio, look me up! Hehe
      paulavettbrothers, Oct 17, 2023
      deegenerate likes this.
    2. dragondck
      I've been to 42 of the 50 states and all have stuff that makes them great for the people who live there.
      dragondck, Mar 23, 2025 at 8:27 PM
  17. mstrman

    mstrman Porn Star

    Sep 2, 2020
    I say Arkansas. I live here, it's warm in the winter along with low cost of living. In the Ozark mountains it's very beautiful.
    • Like Like x 3
    1. Boobsie
      Lived for a short time in NW Arkansas and loved it there. Didn't care much for the rest of the State though!
      Boobsie, Jun 14, 2023
      KinkyGuy1999 and mstrman like this.
  18. dinny

    dinny Bot sez wha?

    Mar 17, 2009
    I spent many years in a state of Confusion, a few in Denial, and some in utter Frustration... you pick your own.
    • Funny Funny x 5
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    2. dinny
      No borders in those states.
      dinny, Jun 15, 2023
      paulavettbrothers likes this.
  19. Paddleboardpnw

    Paddleboardpnw Porn Surfer

    Jun 7, 2023
    I’d have to go for oregon, Washington and northern Cali, waterfalls, hikes, paddleboarding opportunities. A few hours and we have high desert, and a few hours we have the coastlines. No end to the adventures and beauty.
    I have gotten to see Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia and drove back to the west coast a few times. Nothing has beaten the Pnw for me.

    IMG_4592.jpeg IMG_4415.jpeg
    1. Aqua Marine
      I really enjoyed living in CA. There was so much to do and see, and so many different types of landforms. I lived in the Mojave, just across the mountains from LA. In about an hour's drive I could be in the mountains, canyons, the beach, lakes, or salt flats. I loved just taking off in my car by myself and driving through the canyons.
      Aqua Marine, Jun 14, 2023
    2. dinny
      Mojave was one of the high schools we played sports against. My father was stationed at Edwards for the last seven years he was in the Air Force, and I enjoyed it... that was the 60s before Ridgecrest got overgrown. Lots of miles of old roads and ghost towns to explore. A good place for a kid to find lots to do in a desert. Been all over the world since, but still have a fond place in my heart for that place in that time.
      dinny, Mar 19, 2025
      KinkyGuy1999 likes this.
    3. dinny
      dinny, Mar 19, 2025