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  1. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    1. anon_de_plume
      What? No "buttnugget"?
      anon_de_plume, Mar 23, 2021
    2. shootersa
      Shooter has moved on.
      Troll is dismissed.
      shootersa, Mar 23, 2021
    3. anon_de_plume
      Come on, I wasn't trolling, I'm legit concerned about our space Alien, and what you've done to him!
      anon_de_plume, Mar 23, 2021
  2. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014

    Trump's lawyer said no 'reasonable people' would believe her claims.
    On of trump's lawyers has claimed in a defamation trial that her claims of voter fraud were so outlandish that reasonable people would not take them seriously.

    truthless, is she still "your girl", do you still believe everything she said?.

    • Like Like x 2
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. shootersa
      No they weren't.
      shootersa, Mar 23, 2021
    3. Truthful 1
      Good try stumbles
      Truthful 1, Mar 23, 2021
    4. Truthful 1
      With any luck in the grace of God the chickens will come home to roost .
      Truthful 1, Mar 23, 2021
    5. thinskin
      God now?

      thinskin, Mar 23, 2021
    6. 69magpie
      truthless, where are the chickens coming home from?....
      69magpie, Mar 24, 2021
  3. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    So... whats the name of ''one of Trump's lawyers'' that has made such a claim?...certainly you're not attempting to do what has been done in the past... are you?

    'source familiar with the situation'

    It could seem to any rational individual..that the statement below was not part of the description said by''one of Trump's lawyers'', yet rather injected in the story by, the author of the story, and that is exactly what it is...a story.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Fla. Legislature weighing voting, riot bills

    OAN Newsroom
    UPDATED 7:50 PM PT – Monday, March 22, 2021

    The Sunshine State is weighing several laws that were widely deemed controversial by the Democrats. This week, the Florida Legislature will take a look at bills and proposals that address issues relevant to events that transpired over the course of 2020. One of which is the “anti-riot bill.”

    This came in response to violent BLM riots that broke out over the summer to protest racial injustice after the death of George Floyd. However, opponents of the bill have argued it has the potential to infringe on people’s right to peacefully protest.

    “So far, the Senate has not made the measure a priority,” Bobby Caina Calvan of the Associated Press stated. “But discussion could be fast-tracked once the House gives final passage to a bill that opponents say is an attack on the Black Lives Matter movement.”

    Following the widespread reports of voter fraud that took place in the 2020 election, Gov. Ron DeSantis proposed changing Florida’s vote-by-mail laws.

    Those changes would include requiring identification when dropping off a ballot and ensuring that a voter’s mail-in ballot signature matches their most recent signature on file, rather than comparing it to several versions. However, similar to the “anti-riot-bill,” these changes have received major pushback from the left.

    “It’s already generated lots of criticism, especially from Democrats, who think Republicans are trying to wipe the slate clean after Democrats overtook the GOP in the vote-by-mail race,” Calvan said. “Interestingly, the measure does not do away with ballot drop boxes as some Republicans, including the governor, had earlier wanted. Instead, drop boxes get to stay under this proposal, but will have to be supervised during office hours or be monitored by surveillance cameras after hours.”

    The House has also taken up a measure, which was already passed by the Senate, that shields most businesses from being sued because of the pandemic. However, it was still unclear how the House was expected to handle that proposal.

    Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers nationwide have introduced hundreds of bills as a result of individual states’ mishandling of the 2020 election.

    • Like Like x 1
    1. Truthful 1
      Keep on keeping the faith , it only takes money and these motherfuckers have an endless supply of money . Unfortunately. .
      Truthful 1, Mar 23, 2021
  5. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
  6. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    • Like Like x 1
    1. stumbler
      She's trying to use the Fox News defense that no one would expect her to tell the truth, Fox has literally used that defense to try and get out of suits involving Tucker Carlson and others,
      stumbler, Mar 23, 2021
    2. shootersa
      Not correct or accurate.
      shootersa, Mar 23, 2021
    3. thinskin
      Are we allowed to call you shitter or does it have to be shooter?

      Perhaps premature shooter would be a compromise?

      You know us Dutch dickheads like to compromise!

      Another comment.......you need to be careful someone might see!

      thinskin, Mar 23, 2021
  7. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Take a look around this forum and you will see conservative/Republicans pushing Trump's voter fraud lies all over the place. They swore they were true and used The Big Voter Fraud Lie as an excuse to follow Trump all the way to treason to try and overthrow the results of a free and fair election. We had a 230 year record of a peaceful transfer of power until Trump and his conservative/Republicans turned traitors and killed seven people. And for what? Claims so outrageous no reasonable person would believe them.

    Sidney Powell was central in the 'big lie' and can't pretend she was just kidding: Ex-prosecutor



    It can actually be fun and entertaining to go back and look at who all was telling The Big Lie. But one thing I bet we never see is any of them admit they were wrong.
    1. shootersa
      Haven't seen anyone around here change a position or admit they were wrong for at least a year.
      Your posting of an outdated article from 2017 was done intentionally on your part, you only apologized and did the "OOPSIE" thingy when you were called out on it.
      shootersa, Mar 23, 2021
  8. Bron Zeage

    Bron Zeage I am a river to my people

    Dec 3, 2014
    I can honestly say, I did not see this coming. I thought Sidney would go into court and release the Kraken. She was so adamant that she had real evidence when on camera, I did not expect to see her hiding behind the "Trump supporters are stupid" defense. The he said/she said goes like this:

    Dominion says, "You claimed we stole the election from Donald Trump."
    Sidney says, "Only an idiot would believe that."

    Trump has repeated all the things that Rudy and Sidney said, and now she says only unreasonable people would fall for her story. It's times like this when I wish Trump still had his Twitter account. It would be interesting to see how he spins this. Does he claim Sidney is lying now, to save her own ass, and stick to the stolen election scenario, complete with Hugo Chavez and the rest? Does he call her "nasty"? Maybe he will claim they never met.

    The best defense against any charge of libel or slander is to demonstrate that what you claimed is true. This puts Sidney, Rudy, and Donald in a bad position. They have to admit they were lying. They've been lying for so long because it worked and it got the results they desired. Now the lies have caught up with them in a way they never expected.
    • Like Like x 3
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  9. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    What does this say about her?

    She needs to lose her license to practice law.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Bron Zeage

    Bron Zeage I am a river to my people

    Dec 3, 2014
    It says she is an attorney who presented a specious argument to the Court. Her only plausible defense is she believed it to be true at the time.

    This means she now must repudiate her claims, which knocks the legs off Trump's argument that the election was stolen. To paraphrase former Attorney General John Mitchell, "she has her tit in a wringer." Side note, John Mitchell went to prison for his role in the Watergate cover up.

    The crux of her defense is, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, millions of Trump supporters, as well as the thousand or so who stormed the Capitol, are not reasonable people. In other words, stupid. She's not going to be invited to any parties at Mar Lago, for sure.

    What we are left with is a lawyer who lied to the public and the President, to subvert an election.
    • Like Like x 1
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    1. thinskin

      thinskin, Mar 24, 2021
      stumbler likes this.
  11. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    She stood there an lied. She knew she was lying. She filed lies in court. 90% of conservative/Republicans followed her lies all the way to treason against the United States of America. And her defense is they were not reasonable people and should have known better than to believe her lies.

    Preet Bharara demolishes Sidney Powell's defense for vote lies: 'Intending for many, many people to believe it'
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    2. anon_de_plume
      It's nice to see that Powell has step back across that line.
      anon_de_plume, Mar 24, 2021
  12. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    Bron do you write for rawstory ? I finally got it you right the rawstory stories and stumbles post’s them for you . It all makes sense now .
  13. Bron Zeage

    Bron Zeage I am a river to my people

    Dec 3, 2014
    Sydney Howell called you and all of Trump's other supporters stupid.

    Do you believe her now?
    • Like Like x 1
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    1. Truthful 1
      Yeah I’m sure she did
      Truthful 1, Mar 24, 2021
    2. Bron Zeage
      A reasonable person would accept that as a fact.
      Bron Zeage, Mar 24, 2021
  14. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    • Mar 22, 2021 Updated 6 hrs ago
    Just more leftists bullshit, which will tell any reasonable person not to accept anything the leftists attempt to show as fact.
    Powell said in a filing in federal court in Washington that there was a “no basis” for the lawsuit brought by Dominion Voting Systems Inc. in January.

    Powell, represented by three lawyers, argued that claims she made about Denver-based Dominion were protected by the right to free speech under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

    She said her claims about Dominion were meant to be hyperbolic, and that “reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process.”

    Quite a bit different than this statement?...correct?...Trump's lawyer said no 'reasonable people' would believe her claims.

    Just more leftists bullshit, which will tell any reasonable person not to accept anything the leftists attempt to show as fact.
  15. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
  16. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. anon_de_plume
      LOL, still holding out for the lie!
      anon_de_plume, Mar 24, 2021
      clive pickering likes this.
    2. Truthful 1
      Go ahead Georgia make my day . Lawyer Giuliani was heard and saying .
      Truthful 1, Mar 25, 2021
  17. Dearelliot

    Dearelliot Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    Just read a great article. How Trumps big election Lie earned him Millions and Millions of dollars, Jesus can this guy work a crowd! Like Shooting fish in a barrel for him....!
    • Like Like x 1
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    1. stumbler
      I just posted an article that Trump's domestic terrorists that attempted the coup only started donating to his campaign AFTER the insurrection,
      stumbler, Mar 24, 2021
      Dearelliot likes this.
  18. Bron Zeage

    Bron Zeage I am a river to my people

    Dec 3, 2014
    It's called crawfishing because she got called on her bullshit. There is no libel, if she can prove her claims are true. Or, to put it another way, the something reasonable people would accept as fact.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. stumbler
      You hit something I came to know personally. Lots of people threatened to sue me for libel when I was in the newspaper business and I would tell them to go right ahead because the best defense against libel is the truth. And I always had a big advantage over them because they knew I was the one telling the truth, So I never actually got sued but would occasionally have to write a notice that the people threatening to sue me needed to take a number and form a line on the left.
      stumbler, Mar 24, 2021
    2. Bron Zeage
      At this time, Dominion is at the front of the line.

      There's no question whether Sydney committed libel. The question is damages. Her defense is "no harm, no foul", because it was all hyperbole that no reasonable person would accept as fact.

      Nice try. Sydney's problem is she claimed the evidence existed and would be produced. That's not hyperbole.
      Bron Zeage, Mar 24, 2021
  19. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    No...it's called discrediting...

    Powell got 'called on nothing', what actually is happening here...can be all chalked up to diversion tactics of the leftists and their puppets the s-r-l-p-a-m.

    Discrediting is the usual procedural operation of those that want to silence the opposition, this generally happens just about the time when the shit is about to hit the collective fan.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  20. Bron Zeage

    Bron Zeage I am a river to my people

    Dec 3, 2014
    Sydney certainly knows what it's like to be discredited, but the people she has discredited are those who believed her when she claimed to have evidence of voting fraud.

    Those people are not reasonable, or in non-legalese, stupid.

    Go back to the election and look at the people who claimed the election was stolen. Sydney now says they are stupid.
    • Like Like x 1
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    1. Truthful 1
      Sorry ass smoking Cigar Sydney has never been discredited. And never will be in a real courtroom.
      Truthful 1, Mar 25, 2021
    2. Bron Zeage
      You really need to pay attention. It looks like Sydney was right about you.
      Bron Zeage, Mar 25, 2021